Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Green Tea Diet Plan

Everyone keeps telling us that green tea is one of those products that is really good for us. We often start to glaze over and lose interest since we just don't know why this is the case and they go into a long scientific spiel.

Fairly recently one of the good things about green tea that has been discovered is its ability to help people lose weight. For many people green tea can help jumpstart your weight loss program even though some would probably dismiss it as quackery.

The Basics of a Green Tea Diet Plan

Some kind of green tea product is obviously included in a green tea diet plan. A dieter typically takes a certain amount of green tea supplements along with other helpful additives as well. Green tea extracts by themselves are often used in diet pills, weight loss supplements or appetite suppressants which can help you lose weight Green Tea.
The basics are fairly simple of why exactly a green tea diet plan works. According to research, a green tea diet plan works because the green tea supplements help your body burn fat via a process called 'thermogenics.'

All green tea diet plans are going to have a standard disclaimer as with any dietary supplement. Before using this product you should consult your physician. You should do this simply because a lot of herbal supplements have the chance of interacting with prescriptions and over the counter medications which can cause adverse side effects on your body.

Using a green tea diet plan in conjunction with a sensible, healthy eating plan is another type of standard disclaimer. You obviously don't want to eat more than you were before you began dieting if you are trying to lose weight. However, for some they can justify the thought by relying on the green tea diet plan to just take care of the extra food.

There is no miracle diet plan or supplement. Weight won't melt off your body overnight; and for you diet to work you need common sense and moderation. A weight loss diet can help be supplemented by a green tea diet plan, but it can't be done all by itself. Being sensible in your eating can help your diet and a little exercise is always a good idea Green Tea Types.

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Green Tea :: Skin Care Product

Natural skin care products are gaining popularity. In addition to the popularity of natural beauty products, many people are also interested in other types of green tea skin products, such as those that can be used for healing cuts and minimizing the appearance of scars. A third area of interest for botanical products is anti-aging.

You'll find numerous products on the market that are made from natural products. Some of the most popular botanicals used in skin care products include:

  1. Lavender
  2. Rosemary
  3. Ginger
  4. Green Tea
  5. Lemon
  6. Grapeseed
  7. Echinacea
Since products of this nature are largely unregulated by the US Food and Drug Administration, claims on the products are sometimes largely unsubstantiated. In most cases, we just have to try these products out and see for ourselves.

However, one of these products, green tea, does have some evidence to back up its claims of rejuvenating the skin and preventing aging. Several studies have shown that green tea's anti-oxidants are beneficial to the skin in several ways.

The first important fact about green tea is that its anti-oxidants act as scavengers on abnormal or damaged skin cells. This may be very important to helping protect us from skin cancer. If we can eradicate skin cells damaged by the sun immediately, they are less likely to develop abnormal qualities. Many doctors are now recommending that you wear a green tea moisturizer under your sunscreen. The sunscreen will protect your skin from most of the sun's rays, but any that do get through can be mitigated by the green tea.

However, other research has shown that green tea may even be an effective treatment for those who already have cancerous or pre-cancerous skin lesions. One study, performed on mice, showed that not only did green tea seem to scavenge the abnormal cells on the mice that did not have skin cancer, but it also concluded that green tea, whether given orally or topically, slowed the progression of the cancer. In addition, scientists theorize that green tea may be able to actually kill off some of the cancer cells.

Another recent study showed that green tea may also have the ability to provide short term improvement in the skin's appearance. The study suggested that green tea's anti-oxidants actually have the ability to rejuvenate skin cells resting on the epidermis that are dying. The green tea helps bring the cells back to life for a period, reducing that dull and lifeless appearance skin can have.

It is believed that green tea also has the ability to reduce aging over the long term. Such claims are difficult to prove, because it requires human trials over many years. However, based on the fact that research has shown that green tea's anti-oxidants have the ability to scavenge abnormal and dying skin cells, it stands to reason that using green tea regularly over a period of many years would produce a cumulative effect that would be positive for the skin's condition and appearance.

Many other botanicals that are used in skin care products do have the ability to perform some helpful functions on the skin. For example, all of the natural ingredients listed above do have anti-oxidants, so they likely are good for the skin, at least to some degree. And many are suited for specific skin ailments.

For example, lavender is calming, and can be helpful in soothing redness and rashes. Lemon is an effective astringent, and is sometimes helpful for especially oily skin. The UK Tea Council published a report outlining the effects of many botanical products and their potential to protect and treat the skin.

But, most of the products containing these ingredients have not been through strenuous laboratory testing, so their effects are undocumented. In addition, some botanical products may not require regulation by the Food and Drug Administration, so they may not meet federal health standards.

Because of the attention that green tea has received due to its likely ability to prevent cancer and other diseases, it has been more widely tested than many other botanicals. It has been widely tested for topical application to see if it has the potential to prevent or treat skin cancer, for example.

So, it's perfectly ok to use botanical products to help with any special skin conditions you're trying to treat. Most botanical products are safe, as long as you don't have an allergy to them. And, they may be helpful at treating some skin conditions and at keeping skin moisturized.

But, if you're looking for the best be in botanical products for the skin, it's likely that green tea has the most potential. It has been more widely tested than other botanicals, and is likely to be of significant benefit, both in improving skin's appearance and in preventing aging and skin cancer.

However, since, like other botanical products, green tea products may not have fallen under FDA guidelines, be sure to examine the list of ingredients carefully. You should ensure that green tea products actually contain active anti-oxidants, such as EGCG and theaflavins, before you purchase. Without these important ingredients, the products will likely not provide the benefits you're seeking.

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Green Tea: Cheap and Natural Anti-Aging

When age catches up and your skin starts sagging, no beauty therapy can come to your aid. You lose your self esteem and draw flak from your boss. Beauty has its share of goodness, even a grave mistake is easily forgiven when you are in the prime of your age. You cut a sorry figure wherever you go. However, oriental wisdom has discovered a magic potion that can curb aging.

Green tea, the wonder drug of this age is endowed with properties that can curb the ageing process. In china they have long identified the beneficial aspects of this drink. Now in the west it is fast catching up. Extracted from the Camellia Sinensis plant, an evergreen shrub, green tea undergoes minimal oxidation. Green tea made from unfermented leaves have highly concentrated anti-oxidants called polyphenols. Anti-oxidants in green tea fight free radicals in the body. Free radicals occur naturally in the body.

Environmental toxins like ultraviolet rays from the sun, smoking and radiation also release free radicals. These free radicals promote aging and cause cancer and heart diseases. The anti-oxidants in green tea can neutralize these free radicals and even reduce the damage they have done.

The super antioxidant power in green tea stimulates the immune system and slows down the aging process. When you are exhausted, the immune system is overworked and you are vulnerable to attack from viral and bacterial infection. So it is very important to protect the immune system from exhaustion to prevent diseases like cancer, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

Polyphenols in green tea can kill cancerous cells and curb their progression. In Japan people who suffer from cancer are less as they consume green tea every day. Be it a bladder cancer, stomach, breast or ovarian the polyphenols in green tea can prevent it from spreading. As green tea helps to regulate glucose in the body it can also be given to people who suffer from type 1 diabetes. Alcohol drinkers can heave a sigh of relief for green tea can protect your liver from total damage. Now booze around with your regular green tea.

The ever expanding waistline giving you sleepless nights? Just take Green tea pills and forget about it. No, it is not a joke. Green tea extracted from a shrub has the antioxidant polyphenol with thermogenic properties. It can burn those extra calories. No needs to go for sit-ups, no need for dieting; the magic of green tea pills burns away the fat without causing any side effects. Green tea can stimulate the bodies metabolism.

Now green tea comes in the form of gums and pills. If you have difficulty in sipping or don't like the flavor, then it is easy to swallow the pill. As green tea is processed by drying without fermenting the beneficial chemicals are never lost. But anything in overdose can do you harm. Caffeine content in green tea can be a cause for concern. Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, headaches, and loss of appetite may result from overdose of caffeine. Decaffeination can to a great extent avert the side effects of drinking green tea.

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Comparing Oolong Tea and green tea for Diet

Is Oolong tea really a fat-burning miracle? There are so many wild and unsupported claims about foods and herbs that are supposed to help you lose weight. So it's rather refreshing to find that wu-long tea, which is being touted as the new weight loss miracle, actually has some scientific studies that back up the claims.

However, you may discover that you'll pay less for this tea if you buy it using the traditional spelling of its name - Oolong tea and wu-long tea are the same thing, spelled differently.

The most famous study linking wu-long tea with weight loss was published in August of 2003. Researchers at the University of Tokushima School of Medicine and seven other schools found that this Chinese tea increased the burning of calories by 10%, while women drinking green tea had an metabolic increase of 4%. Both teas increased the burning of fat when drunk after a meal, but wu-long tea appeared to do a better job.

Green tea, Oolong tea (or wu-long), and black tea all come from the same plant. The differences in the finished product that we drink comes from the differences in how long the three types of tea are processed and fermented. Green tea has been processed the least, and black tea has been processed the most. Oolong tea falls in the middle.

Chinese tea is full of anti-oxidants, which is believed to be why it prevents illnesses and protects health. Anti-oxidants are powerful fighters of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are oxygen containing molecules that are created as a by-product of our digestion process. These free radicals damage our cells and DNA if left unchecked. However, consuming anti-oxidants combats these free radicals before they can harm our bodies. Scientists have shown that consuming a diet high in anti-oxidants helps us to avoid serious illnesses and slows down the aging process.

Unfortunately, so many people are now buying this Chinese tea for weight loss that it supplies are now limited, and prices will probably continue to rise. If you want to try Oolong tea for weight loss, you might want to put in your supplies.

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