Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Green Tea Weight Loss Programs

There are countless health benefits associated with drinking green tea. For centuries, the Chinese people have been drinking and using green tea as cure for several ailments. Today, cancer prevention, weight loss, antioxidant applications, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties are only a few of the proven benefits contained within a single cup of green tea or a capsule of green tea extract.

Green Tea: An Introduction

Green tea comes from the plant native to Asia called Camellia sinensis. This plant is rich in the green tea substance called epigallochatechin gallate or EGCG. Green tea’s EGCG is the substance responsible for destroying free radicals in the body which are the number one causes of aging and diseases. The antioxidant EGCG in green tea also helps in lowering down cholesterol levels.

Green Tea for Weight Loss Programs

A university study conducted by American and Swiss scientists show that green tea can be used in weight loss programs. Using ten healthy young men as subjects for their weight loss program, the scientists compared the difference in energy expenditures of green tea and that of caffeine or standalone placebo. The results show that green tea boosts energy expenditure by a significant four percent increase. This led many people to believe that green tea can have a significant impact on increasing the efficacy of weight loss programs.

Green tea is a great alternative for people who are on weight loss programs because it can help them lead a healthier lifestyle. For instance, instead of drinking coffee and cream which area high in calories, green tea weight loss programs can not only save you from taking in too much calories but also let you take in several healthful substances like polyphenols and flavonoids. Green tea also contains a small amount of caffeine, a key substance used in most weight loss programs because of its appetite-suppressant properties.

Other studies show that green tea in weight loss programs can help reduce fat by inhibiting the effects of insulin. Insulin is responsible for converting glucose into energy for the body to be stored into fat. By delaying insulin, green tea weight loss programs enable sugar to be sent directly to the muscles for instant use, thus preventing fats from forming.

Green tea in weight loss programs can also promote thermogenesis, the process by which the body burns fat and releases calories. This process is brought on by the interaction of the caffeine content and catechin polyphenols present in green tea. This is why weight loss programs based on green tea is an effective way to stimulate metabolic rates.

No supplement or weight loss program is known to work miracles. However, studies do indicate that green tea have many benefits in store for those enrolled in weight loss programs.


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